Where We Go

Houston Skyline



We live in a world where you can be effortlessly seen, but so well hidden. People can wear a smile yet be in pain. International Mission Stations Incorporated – Houston was founded in 2021 by Presidents Branden McKinion and Brad Witbracht. IMSI desires to make a positive and lasting impact on any lives we can reach around the world. Our focus is simple – to assist those who need a helping hand.

Spain flag

Where we go


Tucked away along the Mediterranean Sea, is one of Europe’s oldest and noblest cities, Malaga, Spain. Surrounded by beauty and history, tourism and vacationers engulf the city year-round. Creating a political economy of income inequality most Latin – European Countries suffer from. With so much attention upon the world, the ability of a Spaniard to pass from cradle to coffin and never deviate beyond a footnote in a local census, remaining forever unnoticed is beyond desolate. And yet, this is the set of circumstances Spaniards from Barcelona to Madrid and down the Western Coast of Malaga find themselves living in. A meaningless life.


Where we go


Where Transylvanian castles captivate your sight and the Carpathian Mountains extend big and bright. Where charming villages blanket the wide-open grasslands. Romania is a land rich in antiquity and potential. It was here the Greeks first established colonies along the Black Sea, and the Romans would conquer and increase their empire. Romania has long survived the sands of time. Propagating a proud and noble people. Forging their existence upon every facet of luxury this modern world enjoys today. But deep within the accomplishments of all that is good Romania has assisted the world with, a force of affluence has invaded its borders. A force first introduced by a distressing and corrupt government stripping its people of inspiration, influence, and stimulation. Today, Romanian children across its bountiful borders seek no desire for primary education. That is why The International Mission Stations Incorporated – ROMANIA was created. To provide incentives to its children. To provoke its children to create, invent, and discover.

Sunflower field Ukraine

Where we go


Deep within the luscious sunflower fields of the Carpathian Mountains, lies the history of a beautiful and unwavering people. Beyond the evil drape that indoctrinated a people for several generations, the bells of freedom now echo from Odessa to Kyiv, from Lviv to Kharkiv. From the beautiful mountain ranges to the open flat lands, Ukraine is a country land still requiring uplifting assistance from years of political despair that once violently griped its people. Though the wall may have fallen in the Fall of 1989, the perverse union that once held this territory still incarcerates Ukrainians to this day. Mental depression, Drugs, and Alcohol rattle their victims far greater than any abhorring policy ever could. The mental shackle that finds its Ukrainian victim, pierces its dreadful head into their humble daily lives. Its end result is a people so engulfed in drugs and alcohol, prisoners to their own vices. That is why, The International Mission Station Incorporated – UKRAINE was created. To remove the restraints of mental depression, loose the chains of these appalling vices, and allow freedom to exert her perfect work.


Where we go


Surrounded by hostilities, so great a burden is laid upon the people of sacrifice. Where mothers and fathers carry the harrowing stress history has imposed upon their people and a state of apprehension exists of the survival of their own children. The International Mission Station Incorporated – ISRAEL was created to assist in the protection and survival of these protected people.

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